该机组是由系列平双螺杆挤出机与相应造粒辅机组成的成套设备,主要适用于 PVC 软质,硬质造粒。生产的塑料颗粒均匀、密实、美观,辅机采用模面切粒,风送集料,振动分离冷却,具有自动化程度高,生产效率佳等特点。
This pelletizing machine is composed by a counter parallel twin-screw extruder and downstream equipment, t is suitablefor the pelletizina of PVC soft and riid The pellets produced by this machine is evenly. solid. elegance. The pelletizina down-stream eauipment is the die face cutter. air transferring unit. vibration separatina and cooling unit This pelletizing down-stream eauipment has the features of high automation and hich production efficiency.